Third Class 2012-2013


Fit Factor

On the 12th of November 2012 we entered a competition called the Fit Factor. We had to exercise more and eat and drink healthily for two weeks. Here’s what happened. We had two weeks to make up our project. We did Fit Factor News recorded on camera. The facts were pineapples were used to soothe sore throats, strawberries were used to brighten teeth and treat sunburn. Peanuts were used to make dynamite and blueberries help your concentration. We did some art about fruit from Giuseppe Arcimboldo. We did a song called Healthy Style from the hit Gangnam Style and Eat While We’re Young from the hit by One Direction. Outside we made the words Fit Factor using our bodies to make the letters. After the two weeks were up we sent our project off. After our Christmas holidays we got a phone call from the Fit Factor telling us we were the Munster Regional winners. We were delighted and the voting started on 21st January and will continue until 22nd February. Please vote on By Dean Russell

Three months ago we decided to enter the LIDL Fit Factor. Here are some of the things we did: Fruity Friday, Fit Factor News, a walk around the ring and we changed two songs into healthy eating songs. We learned about the food pyramid and healthy eating combined with art. Nadia and I made bar charts in Maths to show our favourite fruit and vegetables. We also kept a diary to record what healthy food we ate each day and what exercise we did for the two weeks. We put everything together and sent off our project. Then we waited! After a few weeks we found out we were the Munster winners. We were delighted. We were jumping with glee. Now we need your votes, so get voting! I loved the Fit Factor. Now I have orange juice every morning and have apple slices everyday for lunch. By Emma O’ Shea

On the 12th of November 2012 Watergrasshill 3rd class entered the Fit Factor competition. We worked on our project for two weeks. Over the two weeks we did lots of things to represent healthy eating and exercise. We walked around the ring and took well known songs and changed the words. We also took it into Maths making bar charts. We also had Fruity Friday, a skip-a-thon and the Fit Factor News. This was where we did something each day in front of the camera. Then we sent off our project and we had to wait. A few weeks ago there was a phone call for our teacher. Minutes later we all heard the good news. We were the Munster winners we couldn’t believe it! Now all we have to do is get people to vote. We are making posters and encouraging people to go online and vote. In March, our class are going to Dublin and we have to put on a show for the four other schools in the final. We are working on the play now and we hope to get your vote. By Aislinn Cuffe

We entered the Fit Factor and this is what happened. We made a song out of Live While We’re Young by One Direction. We did a skip-a-thon with 1st class, it was fun. We made a song out of Gangnam Style too called Healthy Style. We made portraits of fruit and vegetables inspired by the artist Arcimboldo. We did 10 minute exercises everyday. My favourite thing was the Fir Factor News we made up. Then we sent off our project and had to wait. During the first week back after Christmas our teacher got a call that we were the Munster winners. We were so happy. Now we need you to vote for Watergrasshill NS on the website www.fitfactor.ieBy Kyle Furney Kelly

We entered a competition called the Fit Factor. It is about being fit and healthy. We made a project and we did lots of things for it. First we did a walk around the ring in Watergrasshill on the Wednesday of the first week of the Fit Factor. We did a skip-a-thon with 1st class and we had a Fruity Friday. We made Gangnam Style into Whoopa Healthy Style. Seán Edwards from our class made Live While We’re Young into a healthy song too. We won the Munster Region so we are going up to Dublin to see who will be Fit Factor Champions. We made a really cool show for when we are in Dublin at the awards ceremony. We just hope that we will win.By Jessica Hoare.

Fit Factor

Voting is now over!! A big thank you to everyone who took the time to vote, we really appreciate it. Third class will now travel to Dublin on March 7th to find out the results so fingers crossed we got enough votes!!!!

 Fit Factor

3rd class took part in this year’s LIDL Fit Factor competition. This involved undertaking a 2-week challenge designed to promote healthy eating and physical activity, developed in conjunction with the Irish Heart Foundation.

After submitting a project on healthy eating and the importance of keeping your heart healthy, 3rd class were chosen as the Munster Regional Winners. Already they have won €500 worth of sports equipment vouchers and €500 worth of LIDL vouchers. They have joined four other schools from around the country in the final five. They now must go head-to-head to compete for the top prize of €5,000 worth of sports equipment vouchers and to be crowned the Fit Factor Champions 2013.

All you have to do to help the boys and girls in 3rd class on their quest is to log on to and register your vote for Watergrasshill N.S. There is one vote per email address so it is really important to spread the word. Voting opened 21st January and will close on 22nd February.


Third Class 2011-2012

Dan Tani' s Visit by Jessie Dalton

Dant Tani is an astronaut from America. He came to our school because we won a competition. For the competition we had to write a letter persuading him to visit our school. Luckily we were one of four other schools that won. A couple of days later Dan came to our school.

He showed us lots of interesting things like what the world looks like from space, a rocket blasting off into space, how astronauts brush their teeth when they are in space and lots of cool facts. At the end when he had to go everyone was disappointed. Nearly everyone got to shake hands with him and some people got pictures taken with him. Lots of people wanted to be astronauts at the end of the presentation.

Dan Tani' s Visit by Keelan O Sullivan

One day our teacher Miss O' Leary asked my class would we like to enter a competition. We all thought that this would be exciting, so we all agreed. Miss O' Leary told us that if we win the prize would be that America's most favourite Astronaut Dan Tani would visit our school. To win this competition we had to write a letter as to why he should visit Watergrasshill.

Dan Tani ten decided to visit our school. Luckily our letter was picked out and in January 2012 Dan Tani visited our school in Watergrasshill. He tols us all about living in space, how he loved zero gravity and looking down on different planets. He lived in space for four months with six friends. He told us how he tried to take a picture of China but it was too polluted to get a clear image.

He also told us how he missed being in space but was also happy to be home and how he didn't miss having to use nappies during his training exercises. He also mentioned that he was so high up that he saw a shooting star streak beneath his space ship. When he was finished telling us about his adventures in space we got to shake his hand and have our picture taken with him. I really enjoyed meeting Dan Tani.

Dan Tani' s Visit by Stephen O' Toole

One day our teacher Ms O' Leary looked up a website. On the website there was a competition open to schools in Cork. Our teacher said we could qualify. When we sent the letter it was all fingers crossed for the next month. Then the day came we had got a reply. All we needed was the first word which was congratulations. I couldn't here the rest over all the shouting and yahooing. Then came the big day at one o' clock when he came in. He looked astonishing. He was astonishing. What he did was astonishing. He showed us an amazing film and I got to ask him a question. I asked, if he wasn't going to be an astronaut what would he be? He replied an engineer. Wow! When you look back at those days you get a great feeling.


Red and White Day




